Instruction and Training

I guide riders and their horses in training and educating their horses, with the emphasis on laying a solid foundation and promoting correct body use. The target? Happy athletes, you and your horse, who can perform at their best physically and mentally together.

With my background as a veterinarian, during teaching attention is paid to the prevention of injuries, building strength and training and improving movement and biomechanics. It is also possible to train in an adapted way during or after rehabilitation from an injury, instruction and guidance.

I am an enthusiastic instructor for combinations of all levels, the lesson is adapted to rider and horse. I think a positive approach for both rider and horse is important. During the lesson, in addition to hard work, attention will also be paid to explanations of aids, exercises, training methods and there is always room for questions.

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If you have any questions, you can always send a message! I will then contact you as soon as possible!

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