Hydrohorses Aquatraining

Due to the physical properties of water, an optimal training condition can be created for every horse. The water creates buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure and viscosity (resistance) and the speed of the treadmill is fully adjustable.

What is the Aquatrainer?

The aquatrainer is a unique device for rehabilitation and training by walking in water. This training method contributes significantly to the recovery from different types of injuries.

What are the benefits of Aquatraining?

Reduced strain on joints: When a joint is less loaded, the surrounding structures are also less loaded. This includes tendons and ligaments. This makes Aquatraining ideally suited for common injuries, such as joint problems and tendon injuries. Aqua training can be used for most tendon injuries after the acute phase. In this way, the load on the tendon steadily increases and the risk of recurrence decreases.
Improved balance and coordination: Improvement of proprioception, the horse's ability to perceive the position of the body or body parts. This helps stabilize joints and prevent abnormal movements. Injuries often disrupt proprioception in the affected part. Aqua training is therefore very valuable here.
Improvement of muscle strength.
Improving the mobility of the spine and legs.
Improving the quality of the step: The walk is an essential gait of dressage horses. By training in the aquatrainer, the stride frequency can be stimulated by playing with the speed of the treadmill, resulting in an increase in stride length.

During Aqua training, your horse is always guided by the professionals of Hydrohorses.

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