Basic prevention package

Sports guidance including preventive care: Together we ensure that your horse can perform at its best!

What does the basic prevention package include?

A complete health check of your horse twice a year:

– Clinical and orthopedic examination including objective gait analysis
– Examination of the spine and musculature
– Extensive health report and advice

A ration calculation and tailor-made nutritional advice once a year
Vaccination for Influenza/Tetanus twice a year
Monthly online movement analysis incl. report - Build a database of your horse's movement analysis and make it possible to follow your horse over time. Receive a monthly PDF report of the analysis including veterinary advice. Measuring is knowing!


With a package you get a 10% discount on consultations, imaging and treatments (excl. call-out costs and medication):

– Consultations
– Clinical and orthopedic examination
– Objective gait analysis
– Ultrasound
– X-ray
– Laser therapy
– Shockwave therapy
– NMES/TENS therapy (Equery)
– Chiropractic
– Dry needling
– Kinesio taping
– Nutritional advice and ration calculation

Premium options

Complete your package with premium customized options.

– Complete blood test including vitamin mineral profile
– Vaccinations Rhino and West Nile virus
– X-ray balance images of the feet for optimizing fitting

Would you like to know more about the basic prevention package? Contact us!

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