Jorien Walraven

Veterinary surgeon

  • Certified equine veterinarian (Stichting Paard)
  • Central Quality Register of Veterinarians (CKRD)
  • Member of the KNMvD (Royal Dutch Society for Veterinary Medicine)
  • Veterinary Chiropractor (Backbone Academy, Germany)
  • Dry needling (Schachinger method)
  • ORUN instructor Competitive Dressage (KNHS)

Jorien Walraven is an equine doctor with a passion for equestrian sports. Since the start of her studies, Jorien has focused on sports medicine and rehabilitation of horses and has, among other things, conducted research into the effect of joint treatments in horses. In addition to her studies, she followed the ORUN training (competitive dressage) from the KNHS to better guide technical horses and riders.

In 2019, Jorien graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrecht and started as a veterinarian at the Veterinary Center Honselersdijk. Here she gained a lot of experience with (sports) inspections, imaging and orthopedics under the guidance of Jacques Maree.

From 2020 to 2022, Jorien worked at Veterinary Practice Bodegraven, where she was able to further develop in the field of inspections and orthopedics under the guidance of Leendert-Jan Hofland.

In 2021, Jorien completed the chiropractic training at the Backbone Academy in Germany and shortly afterwards also the Equine Dry-Needling training (Schachinger method).

In 2023, Jorien Walraven founded the EquinePRO clinic where the focus is entirely on the performance, rehabilitation and orthopedics of the sport horse. With her vision and mission, Jorien has started an equine clinic that offers the latest and most innovative proven treatment methods and also invests in acquiring the best and most innovative knowledge in the field of sports medicine and rehabilitation. Jorien continuously specializes and is currently following the ISELP training (International Society of Equine Locomotor Pathology) and the CERP training (Certified Equine Rehabilitation Practitioner). In addition, Jorien is part of the first group of veterinarians to undergo training for the Equine Gait Analysis Society to be able to use objective movement analysis in lameness examinations, rehabilitation and prevention.

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